Tuesday 28 September 2010

Synopsis of My Short Film

Jack Gallagher

Synopsis of My Film:

Protagonist: The Boy

Antagonist: The Shadows

Equilibrium: The Boy is walking through the streets and decides to take a shortcut down an alley way.

Disruption: The Boy finds a dead body in the alley way and after investigating discovers it’s himself, and then a group of shadow figures surround him and chase him.

Quest: The Boy runs to try and escape the shadows through the streets and alley ways.

Climax/Resolution: The boy is cornered in an alley way and is surrounded by the shadows, it is revealed that he has now become one of them.

Re-equilibrium: The Boy is now a shadow.

Detailed Synopsis:
The Boy (with no specified name) is walking down a deserted street to reach an unspecified location, he then decides to go down an alley way for a shortcut, he eventually comes across a dead body laying on the ground and notices that he’s wearing the same clothes as the corpse and after turning the body over discovers it is himself. Suddenly, blurred shadow figures appear (shaped like humans) and surround the boy, trying to grab him, the boy runs but the figures seem to surround every corner he takes, eventually they trap him down another alley way and surround him completely, after the group disperse it is revealed that the boy has now become one of the shadows.

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